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Python GIS developer is the number 1 choice of industry | Why?

Python programming language is used extensively among geospatial scientists due to its vast range of capabilities. Python is used commonly for process automation and handling complex algorithms. A Python GIS developer can automate the repetitive geospatial processes making them error-free. Yes, it’s right! Error Free. I am saying this with confidence because it removes the errors that we commonly face in GIS Software, such as accidental crashing, using the wrong tools in a process, etc. It’s really a pain for GIS Analysts when they get errors in the middle of some processes mainly in ArcMap or QGIS, it wastes a lot of time. On the other hand, Python makes the process smooth and automatic once you write the Python code properly. Trust me, you will not get into the same process when repeating the task, because it will be automated and will save you a lot of time. Python also offers a wide range of libraries which makes previously difficult tasks easier for new GIS developers. Some of the most common Python libraries used for geospatial analysis are GDAL, Arcpy, Geopandas, Numpy, Rasterio, Geemap, etc. It also has a large community support online, so it’s rare that the problem you are facing is unique to you and you might not find a solution for it.

Concepts required before starting programming for Geospatial analysis

The roadmap for becoming a Python GIS developer is simple. But before getting into hardcore coding, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of some basic Python concepts. Here are the key concepts to focus on before getting into GIS programming in Python:

  1. Variables and Data Types: You will have to understand how to declare variables and work with different data types like integers, floats, strings, and lists.
  2. Conditionals and Loops: Learn about if-else statements and loops (for and while) to control the flow of your Python code.
  3. Functions: Familiarize yourself with creating and using functions to organize your code and perform specific tasks.
  4. File Handling: Know how to read and write data to files, as you’ll often need to work with GIS data files.
  5. Data Structures: Master concepts related to dictionaries, sets, and tuples, which are crucial for working with spatial data in GIS.
  6. Libraries: Explore Python libraries that are commonly used in GIS development, such as Geopandas, GDAL, Arcpy, Geopandas, Numpy, Rasterio, Geemap, Fiona, shapely, and folium (for web mapping). Gain an understanding of these libraries which provide essential geospatial functionalities.
  7. Data Manipulation and Analysis: Practice data manipulation and analysis using Pandas and Geopandas, as it is often used to preprocess and analyze GIS data.
  8. Error Handling: Get comfortable with handling errors and exceptions in your Python code.
  9. Basic Web Development (Optional): If you plan to work on WebGIS development, learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For making your own web applications as a Python GIS Developer you will need to learn either of these two Python frameworks, Django or Flask.

By having a good understanding of these Python concepts, you’ll be better equipped to dive into GIS development and start building powerful geospatial applications. Additionally, always refer to relevant Python and GIS documentation and tutorials to deepen your knowledge and skills.

If you want a one-on-one session for learning Python for GIS with me, just send me a message.


  • Python GIS developer
  • python geospatial
  • qgis python
  • arcgis python
  • arcgis pro python
  • gis programming with python
  • learning geospatial analysis with python
  • mastering geospatial analysis with python
Huzaifa Mukhtiar

The author is an Environmentalist, Entrepreneur and GIS Professional.

Published by
Huzaifa Mukhtiar

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