GIS Developer Roadmap | Online GIS Courses

Outline for becoming a GIS developer

The following outline is based on my experience with GIS technology. I am developing a free online GIS course for new learners and GIS enthusiasts. There are a lot of free and introductory GIS courses but I was looking for a roadmap that can guide a person who is in the initial stages of learning. I hope this effort will help someone who want to follow a proper learning path in GIS technology.

  • Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing
    • Coordinate Systems & Projections
      • UTM / WGS / NAD etc
    • GPS / GNSS Systems and apps
    • Basic Map Reading and Geography
    • Common Mapping and GIS Software
  • Map Reading
    • Legends
    • Thematic Maps
    • Color Combination
    • Map Essentials – Basic Cartography
    • Interactive Maps e.g. Google Maps, OSM, etc.
  • Understanding of Datasets
    • Data Sources and Platforms
      • USGS / Census Tracts / Tiger data, etc
    • Datastructures
      • Database and DBMS, Data storage ethics
    • Rasters
      • Geotiff / DEM / HDF / ENVI etc.
    • Vectors
      • KML / KMZ / Shapefiles / GeoJSON
    • Basic Opensource GIS Operations
  • GIS Analysis Software & Techniques
    • Licensed – Arcmap
    • Open Source – QGIS
    • Online Sources
      • Google Earth Engine
      • ArcGIS Online
      • Google My Maps
  • Raster Images & Processing
  • Vector Processing
    • Creating Point / Line / Polygon
    • Working on Attribute Data
    • Table Join / Merge / Mask etc.
    • Symbology / Labelling
  • Geoprocessing tools
    • Spatial Analyst Tools
    • Statistics tools
    • Spatial Join
    • Elevation maps
  • GIS / RS Coding Introduction
    • Python and Javascript basics
    • Leaflet Maps (JS) / Mapbox (JS) / Fiona (Python) / Shapely(Python)
    • gdal / geemap / arcpy / pyQGIS / Rasterio
    • Matplotlib / numpy / geopandas
    • PostGIS / Geoserver
    • HTML / CSS

Feel free to add your comments and suggestions. Your suggestions are always welcome.

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3 thoughts on “GIS Developer Roadmap | Online GIS Courses”

    1. This blog is just for reference. You can follow this roadmap for self-learning. We estimated to teach all these in 4 to 6 Months.

      For more information, you can always click on the chat button and have a chat with me.

      Huzaifa Mukhtiar

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